Photoshop actions with GIMP#, first screenshot

June 26, 2006 at 8:22 pm | Posted in GIMP | 48 Comments

A very first screenshot of my Photoshop Actions plug-in in action. For this screenshot I’ve downloaded an action file (adactio actions.atn) from the Adobe site and put it in my GIMP scripts directory. This file contains a set with 4 different actions. All the actions that can be fully parsed and executed are colored green. For example “soft focus”, “drawing” and “moody” can be executed. The “lomo” action can’t be completed yet. This is due to an event that isn’t (fully) implemented. Events like “Gaussian Blur” and “Merge Layers” are also colored green, because they can be executed by GIMP.

If everything goes well we will release GIMP# 0.9 coming weekend (july 1st or 2nd).

And finally: I have created a poll here where you can give your opinion on GIMP#.


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  1. Hey, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for! The screenshot looks good 🙂 I can’t wait to try it out this weekend!


  2. Btw, any plans to update 🙂

  3. Yes, I know.. it’s terribly outdated. Coding is much more fun than maintaining websites 😉 But we will update it soon after release 0.9 at least an announcement and a bunch of new screenshots. And of course we also need to start thinking about tutorials, documenting API’s, etc. etc.

    Anyhow, thanks for the feedback. And if you ever need an interesting project to join….. 😉

  4. Uhm, I got lots of interesting projects already joined, but if you provide tutorials, I can provide translations of them 🙂

    Btw, what is the main reason why you have written the actions code not for GIMP’s core code, but for GIMP#?

  5. There are several reasons for writing this in GIMP#. Firstly at this stage the code would probably not have made it to the GIMP’s core since it’s too immature. I currently only plays somewere between 10 and 20 % of the Photoshop action files. That’s not good enough to distribute it by default with the GIMP. Secondly writing the code in an OO language (like C#) is so much more fun than writing it in C, imho. Thirdly (this is a very egocentric reason) it helps promoting GIMP# if this plug-in becomes succesful. Last reason: not all Photoshop functionality is provided (directly) by the gimp. For example a trivial Photoshop plug-in like “Average Blur” is not available in GIMP. Implementing extra functionality like this is very easy in GIMP#. It also adds value to GIMP# in the form of extra plug-ins.

    Btw, thanks for the offer to provide translations. I’m sure we will come back to you as soon as we have got something written down 🙂

  6. action

  7. Excellente idée ! ! !
    j’ai absolument besoin de ce genre de superbe script pour me passer de Toshop …
    La possibilité d’une sélection par plage de couleur pour éliminer un fond, avec contour progressif en traitement par lots serait FAN-TAS-TIQUE cher Monsieur !
    bonne continuation,

  8. hey, where i can download “Photoshop Actions plug-in” ?
    I have GIMP, and i`m really interested in photoshop in GIMP 🙂

  9. Do you have a release on this yet? I would like to run atn in GIMP. Thanks.

  10. Hi Sam, all the recent GIMP# releases include the Photoshop Actions plug-in. Of course the success will depend on the complexity of your atn file. If you want you can send me your file and I can tell you if it will work or not.

  11. hello, after tampering a bit with gimp# install (you’ve already read my other posts) i managed to make it work. i am particularly intersetd in running some photoshop actions. i tried the actions package referenced on top of this article and gimp# segfaulted. however i could successfully run some other atn packages, which is very cool. i discovered that actions can be run step by step, this is a great feature.
    now, is there an easy (user friendly) way to map photoshop steps into gimp, to extend the capabilities of the plug-in? for example i saw that a psp “color dodge” mode for layer produces no effect, and it could be remapped to “dodge” in gimp.

  12. Hi Stefano: there still needs a lot to be done to make the Photoshop actions plug-in usable. If you can send me the particular .atn file with the dodge mode I might be able to fix that. For the next release (gimp# 0.15) I plan to invest a bit more time to improve this particular plug-in.

  13. hi maurits. you can get this example:

    in the actions browser, open the “color 1” action and look at the 8th item (set current layer): it executes a “color burn”, which produces no effect. i think it could be mapped into layer mode “burn” in the gimp.
    in the following file:

    action 1, item 6, you find a “linearDodge” mode that could be mapped into layer mode “dodge” in the gimp.
    is there a (simple) way i can try to do this mapping myself and send you a patch? i don’t know c#, but i used to code some c and i can understand some java.

  14. okay, so i got the pspi thing and i downloaded a lot of photoshop actions (and unzipped them) and now i dont know how to open them in gimp. this is probably a stupid question but i am sooooooooooooo lost. please help!!

  15. @gimp user: assuming you have GIMP# correctly installed, you should put your photoshop actions in

    $HOME/.gimp-2.4/scripts (on Linux, using GIMP 2.4)

    On Windows your GIMP user directory is probably somewhere in “Document and Settings”.

    If GIMP# is installed correctly you will find a “Photoshop Actions” entry in the Xtns menu.

    GIMP# is not (directlty) related to pspi. Afaik pspi is to run some native Photoshop effects with GIMP. That could be useful in comabination with the Photoshop Actions plug-in, but I haven’t actually tested that myself.

  16. Hi – I’m downloaded and installed. I’ve tried several actions and all but one make the photoshop action crash. One is all red so no luck there. I have a couple that I would really like to use. Is there a simple way for a non-programmer to determine if a plug in will crash or not or how to determine what elements are causing it to crash?

  17. @Fred: there is a known bug (will be fixed in next release) that the Photoshop Actions plug-in crashes when there is no image open. If you have a .atn file that makes the plug-in crash nevertheless, please send it to me and I’ll try to find the cause.

    This plug-in is still very much work in progress.

  18. I’m feeling like an idiot – don’t see an email address – how do i send it?


  19. @Fred:

  20. Hi there,

    I own some Photoshop action scripts for creating eCovers…found here:

    I was hoping that there was a way for them to work with GIMP.

    Does anyone know if this is possible?


  21. You see I have a Gimp training product found here but would love to help my customers by having eCover action scripts to work with gimp

  22. @Craig: it will very much depend on the action scripts whether they run with GIMP# or not. If you have installed GIMP# you can very easily check by putting the action scripts in your GIMP scripts folder and see if they work.

  23. We have some free Action Scripts for Photoshop, to create software boxes and ecovers:

    A reader was asking if there was anyway to use them in GIMP looks like your application might just do it. I have pointed hem here in any case and will let you know if I hear back.

  24. @Andrew: I added some comments to your site. Currently your scripts won’t run, but with minor changes to GIMP# it is probably possible. Planned for the next GIMP# release 🙂

  25. […] Photoshop actions with GIMP#, first screenshot « Maurits thinks aloud __________________ 50% Affiliate kommisjon – Selg annonsering og få 50% provisjon! Gratis artikler – norske wpthemes […]

  26. Can you please tell me how I can load an action script into GIMP. I currently have this script PLR.eBox.eCover.atn in C:\Documents and Settings\Tony\.gimp-2.6\scripts.

    Any help would really be appreciated.


  27. @Tony: I haven’t tried GIMP# with GIMP 2.6 yet. Also the Windows installer for GIMP# is pretty outdated and will probably only work for GIMP 2.4.

    I’m busy getting GIMP# working on GIMP 2.6 and the latest Mono releases. As soon as I got that working I’ll do a new release and also ask the “GIMP# Windows guy” to make a new release.

  28. Thank you so much for your quick response. It really would be awesome if GIMP could be used to work with these scripts for creating eCovers in 3D.

    Thanks again for your work and support for GIMP.

  29. I hope you get it working soon. Before 2.6 I was kind of dependant on this utility and to able to use it again would be superb.

  30. hi,
    I’m trying to run any atn file,
    I installed it in my gimp script directories and it run
    when I press the photoshop action button the photoshop action window open, but I can’t see any of the *.atn files listed.
    so what I’m doing wrong?

  31. @jinj: where exactly did you put the .atn files? Are you using Windows or Linux? Sometimes if the .atn files don’t show up, if they are in a file format of one of the earlier Photoshop action scripts. Usually this means they are at least 8 years old. Everyone more recent than that should at least show up.

    • well,
      I’m running a windows xp sp3 laptop, 32 bit.
      I normaly put the script


      but I try to put the script in a dedicated folder in the gimp folder

      C:\Program\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\photoshop scripts

      I try to set the directory trough the gimp preference interface, afther…. trough pspi interface, but nothig.
      i downloaded the zipped 10 atn from, but no atn file is listed in the photoshop action 04 window.
      thanks man for fast reply.

      • Putting your action files in any other than the default location is not going to work. What happens if you just put them in C:\Program\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts ? Does the plug-in pick them up? What version of GIMP# are you using? In one of the older versions there was a bug in this part of the code.

  32. How do we implement your plug-in after downloaded from source forge?

    I’m using Gimp 2.6. I downloaded the most recent version of GIMP# (0.15 I believe) but can’t figure out how to install it.


    • See my latest blog post: GIMP# 0.15 doesn’t work with GIMP 2.6 yet. The version in CVS works, but I need to do a little more testing before I’m going to release.

      What OS are you using? For Linux you have to compile it yourself. For Windows there is an installer.

      • I’m using Windows. Where can I get the download?


        There are 2 installers: gimp-sharp-gimp_2_2-win and gimp-sharp-gimp_2_4-win, for GIMP 2.2 and 2.4 respectively.

        No package for GIMP 2.6 yet since this is still work in progress I’m afraid.

      • Thank you,

        I was able to get Gimp 2.4 and install your plug-in, but it doesn’t seem to recognize my .atn script.

        Is there a way you could take a look at the script or advise me?


  33. I’m running gimp 2.6 but I try to run the plugin under gimp 2.4, but nothing. Yes I put at first the atn in the native gimp script folder but nothing.
    thanx again

  34. Over 10,000 action at

    enjoy it!

  35. Hi,

    Any word on Gimp# sharp for 2.6?

    • The latest GIMP# release works with GIMP 2.6. It has been released begin this year.

  36. sorry if I missed this but may I ask how do you install this plugin so ps actions can be used? I’m on windows 7. What directory do I put gimp# in. I downgraded to 2.4 version, thanks

    • If you use the Windows installer (latest is GIMP# 0.15) and restart GIMP, the plug-ins should be available. The PS actions should be put in the C:\Program\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts directory.

  37. Photoshop action for photography

  38. Hi
    I’m using Windows and GIMP
    What is the format installer?
    I’m feeling like an idiot

    thanks for fast reply

  39. Maybe I missed it or something, but how would I go about installing this under Ubuntu?

  40. hi

    how to add photoshop action in gimp

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